is a wrapper component for the input of strings, with user experience tailored for email values.
<Field.Email onChange={(value) => console.log('onChange', value)} />
<Field.Emailplaceholder="Enter email address..."onChange={(value) => console.log('onChange', value)}/>
<Field.Emaillabel="Label text"onChange={(value) => console.log('onChange', value)}/>
Label and value
<Field.Emaillabel="Label text"value=""onChange={(value) => console.log('onChange', value)}/>
With help
<Field.Emaillabel="Label text"value=""help={{title: 'Help is available',contents:'Use your gifts to teach and help others. Acknowledge them as gifts (even if only in your mind). Take some time to list your strengths as well as the ways in which you could share them with the world around you and how that truly is a gift to others.',}}onChange={(value) => console.log('onChange', value)}/>
<Field.Emailvalue=""label="Label text"onChange={(value) => console.log('onChange', value)}disabled/>
Invalid syntax
<Field.Emailvalue="Not a mail"label="Label text"onChange={(value) => console.log('onChange', value)}validateInitially/>
Error message
This is what is wrong...
<Field.Emailvalue=""label="Label text"onChange={(value) => console.log('onChange', value)}error={new FormError('This is what is wrong...')}/>
Validation - Required
<Field.Emailvalue=""label="Label text"onChange={(value) => console.log('onChange', value)}required/>
Standard input component props
Property | Type | Description |
data-testid | string | (optional) Test ID |
className | string | (optional) Outer DOM element class name |
value | string | (optional) Source data value for the input |
layout | string | (optional) Layout for the label and input. Can be horizontal or vertical |
label | string | (optional) Field label to show above / before the input feature |
labelDescription | string | (optional) A more discreet text displayed beside the label (i.e for "(optional)") |
labelSecondary | string | (optional) Secondary information displayed at the end of the label line (i.e character counter) |
placeholder | string | (optional) Text showing in place of the value if no value is given |
path | string | (optional) JSON Pointer for where the data for this input is located in the source dataset (when using DataContext) |
info | Error or string | (optional) Info message shown below / after the input |
warning | Error or string | (optional) Warning message shown below / after the input |
error | Error | (optional) Error message shown below / after the input |
disabled | boolean | (optional) Set true to show the field but without the possibility of changing the value. |
emptyValue | any | (optional) The value to use (in onChange events etc) when emptying the field. Makes it possible for instance to provide undefined instead of an empty string when clearing the content of a text input. |
required | boolean | (optional) When set true , the input will give an error if the value cannot be empty. |
schema | object | (optional) Custom JSON Schema for validating the value. |
validateInitially | string | (optional) Set true to show validation based errors initially (from given value-prop or source data) before the user interacts with the field. |
validateUnchanged | string | (optional) Set true to show validation based errors when the field is touched (like focusing a field and blurring) without having changed the value. Since the user did not introduce a new error, this will apply when the value was initially invalid based on validation. |
continuousValidation | string | (optional) Set true to show validation based errors continuously while writing, not just when blurring the field. |
errorMessages | object | (optional) Custom error messages for each type of error, overriding default messages. |
validator | function | (optional) Custom validator function that will be called for every change done by the user. Can be asynchronous or synchronous. |
onBlurValidator | function | (optional) Custom validator function that will be called when the user leaves the field (blurring a text input, closing a dropdown etc). Can be asynchronous or synchronous. |
toInput | function | (optional) Derivate called when the received / active value is sent to the input. Can be used for casting, changing syntax etc. |
fromInput | function | (optional) Derivate called when changes is made by the user, to cast or change syntax back to the original (opposite of toInput ). |
Component-specific props
Property | Type | Description |
help | object | (optional) Provide a help button. Object consisting of title and contents |
Event | Description |
onChange | (optional) Will be called on value changes made by the user, with the new value as argument. |
onFocus | (optional) Will be called when the component gets into focus. Like clicking inside a text input or opening a dropdown. Called with active value as argument. |
onBlur | (optional) Will be called when the component stop being in focus. Like when going to next field, or closing a dropdown. Called with active value as argument. |